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Sunshine Coast

Bridge Club

Welcome to Sunshine Coast Bridge Club.

Graded Pairs Congress: Our 2024 Graded Pairs congress attracted 22 tables (a big increase from last year's 15 tables), with players from across the Coast and from Brisbane.

We had 3 separate grades, and this is a popular format for players at all levels of experience.

Winners of the A Grade were Tim Ridley and Maureen Jakes (Tim pictured left side of photo, Maureen absent), B grade winners (upper right) were Charlene Frederiksen / Peter Gruythuysen, and C Grade winners were Joanne McCarthy / Julia Caldwell.

Many thanks to Peter as director, Barbara as convenor, Chris and her team of kitchen helpers and caddies and dealers.

Click here for event results. [posted Sun 29-Sep-24]

Local teams do well in GNOT National Qualifier: The National GNOT event for 2024 reached its penultimate stage on the weekend where 64 teams from all over Australia played in a gruelling on-line event to select 4 teams to play in National Finals, and a further 8 non-city teams to play off for the Non-Metropolitan title.

Of those 8 teams that won the right to play off for the Non-Metropolitan title, two came from Sunshine Coast Bridge Club. Sunshine Coast 1 (Steve Brookes - Verna Brookes - Ken Dawson - Adrienne Kelly - Peter Busch - Richard Touton) and Sunshine Coast 3 (Anne Young - Fay Stanton - Andrew Hooper - Pippa Hooper - Wendy O''Brien - Amber Noonan) will be travelling to Sydney in late November as part of the 8 provincial teams in the GNOT Non-Metropolitan Teams Final.

Well done to all players! See more... [posted Mon 23-Sep-24]

Novice Pairs Congress: Our 2024 Novice Pairs Congress was held on Wednesday with 30 pairs from all over south-east Queensland contending. This was the first time we have khelp this event on a wekk day, and it proved very popular.

Winners (pictured top left) were Karen Gosney and Brian Clark from Redcliffe. Category B winners were Brooke Anderson and Tom Murphy, also from Redcliffe.

Club members Lorraine Dailey and Kevin O'Loghlin (lower left) were the best finishing pair from our club, and win the Mary Murray Shield for Novices.

Many thanks to Bob as director, Barbara as organiser, and the team of volunteers in the kitchen and bar. See more... [posted Wed 18-Sep-24]

Restricted Pairs Championship: The 2024 Restricted Pairs Championship was played on Tuesday. Winners (pictured top with President Warren Holmes) were Jay Kent and Dave Richards (holding onto the trophy for a 2nd year) and runners-up were Di Sargent and Robyn Feuerheerdt.

A total of 18 pairs contested the event.

Thanks to director Bob Davies, organiser Barbara Holmes and helpers. [posted Tue 17-Sep-24]

GNOT Zone Final: Our Sunshine Coast GNOT Final was hosted by our club this weekend and was won by the Hooper Team. Pictured at right are Amber Noonan, Fay Stanton, Pippa and Andrew Hooper (missing, Anne Young).

However, the top tree teams will play on the on-line National Final next month, so the Busch Team (Ken Dawson, Richard Touton, Adrienne Kelly, Peter Busch, plus Steve and Verna Brookes who didn't play this weekend) and the Watson Team (Chris and Shirley Watson, Janine Bugdeon and Helen Standfast) will join the Hooper team in the national play-offs. [posted Sun 25-Aug-24]

80th birthday celebration: Club Member Betty Stanley celebrated her 80th birthday at the club this week. She is pictured with her cake, presented by the Tuesday morning players. [posted Wed 21-Aug-24]

Great result at Coffs Harbour: One of our club members shone at the Coffs Coast Gold Congress last week. Carmel Dwan was in the team that won the Intermediate Teams, and also finished second in the Restricted Pairs category in the Intermediate Pairs.

Pictured right is Carmel with team mates Kerry Rutter and Margaret and Don Robinson from Noosa.

This event is a gold point event and attracts a quality field from all over Australia. [posted Mon 19-Aug-24]

Birthday celebration for John: For John Gosney's special birthday this week, the club organised a cake. [posted Thu 8-Aug-24]

2024 Club Teams Championship: The 2024 Teams Championship was contested over three Thursdays in July and 10 teams competed in an all-play-all event.

Winners were the Olsen team (pictured at right): David Christian, Geoff Olsen, Lyn and Jim Martin. Runners up were the Baker team (pictured below) - Harry Walsh, Chris Birch, Howard Baker - missing Roman Pawlyszyn.

Committee member John Gilmour presented the prizes.

Thanks to director Bob Davies and helpers. See more... [posted Thu 18-Jul-24]

June Congress 2024: The 2024 June Congress was held 22-23 June. A strong field turned out for both days and the event attracted several players from Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

Saturday's Pairs event was won by Kate MacDonald / Ben Leung. The Category B prize went to Kathy and Warren Males from Brisbane.

The Teams event on Sunday was won by the Miller team. The team was made up of club members Lyn and Jim Martin and team mates Carolyn Miller and Kevin Steffensen from the Gold Coast. The B category prize went to the Dwan team, made up of club members Marjorie Mackinnon, Gary Petterson, Pepe Schwegler and Carmel Dwan.

Winners of both events are pictured here with club president Warren Holmes.

Many thanks to director Peter, congress convenor Barbara, catering manager Chris, the caddies, dealer and other helpers, and sponsors TBIB Insurance Brokers. See more... [posted Sun 23-Jun-24]

2024 Pairs Championship: The 2024 Pairs Championship was run as an all-play-all event, and attracted 32 pairs. This event was played over 3 Monday afternoons.

Due to Covid19 affecting several partnerships, the second week was played with 3 missing pairs. Pairs that missed playing any opponents were scored with their session average for that round.

Winners were Alison Dawson and Gabrielle Elich, and runners-up were Rosemary Crowley and Richard Perry. (Both pairs pictured at right with Club President Warren Holmes).

Thanks to director Peter, convenor Barbara and Chris and her kitchen helpers. [posted Mon 27-May-24]

Novice Pairs Championship: The 2024 Novice Pairs Championship was held in May, with 38 pairs contending - a great turnout.

A Swiss Pairs event was held over 3 weeks, playing 12 matches, and was ably run by Bob Davies.

Winners were Kim and Lesley Rouse, and second place went to Marguerite Hanks / Brenda Young. These four players are pictures at right.

This is an honour board event, and is run annually. Red masterpoints were awarded. See more... [posted Thu 23-May-24]

Vilma's 93rd birthday: Vilma celebrated her 93rd birthday recently, with a cake presented by the Club.

[posted Mon 29-Apr-24]

Au revoir Tricia!: Tricia Merefield moved to France earlier this month. She is a well known club member and actively assisted Alison with new players and Peter with congress caddying for several years.

We wish her all the best and hope to see her back at the Club when she visits "down under". [posted Wed 17-Apr-24]

Alison makes 2024 Queensland Women's Team: Long time club member and former teacher Alison Dawson has qualified as a member of the six person Queensland Women's Team representing our State at the Australian National Championships at Orange NSW later this year.

Congratulations Alison! We wish you and the team all the best.

Pictured is Alison with the other five team members at the completion last weekend of a grueling 180 board play-off over 3 days. [posted Mon 8-Apr-24]

Graded Teams Congress: The 2024 Graded Teams was hosted by our club on 17 March. We had 22 teams playing in 3 grades, with players from all over south-east Queensland.

The A Grade was won by the Mann Team pictured right (PATRICIA MANN - JOHN MORRIS - MATTIE BALJET - MARCEL HOEVENAARS). The B Grade was won by the Richards teams, and the Davies team won the C Grade.

Many thanks to convenor Barbara, caddies Ursula and Liz, director Peter, and Chris and the other kitchen and bar helpers.

More photos on our Facebook page. See more... [posted Mon 18-Mar-24]

Qld Senior Pairs: Our club hosted the Qld Senior Pairs on Sunday 12 November.

There were 22 pairs from all over south east Queensland in a strong field. Overall winners were David Christian - Geoff Olsen (pictured right holding the trophy, with Club President Warren Holmes middle). Runners-up were Di Rogers - Susie Warren.

A Restricted Pairs event was held alongside the Qld Senior Pairs, and this attracted 16 pairs. Winners were Robert King - Keith Cohen, with runners-up Carmel Dwan - Tricia Merefield.

Full results are available here.

Thanks to director Peter, convenor Barbara, and the caddies, kitchen and bar help, and dealer. [posted Sun 12-Nov-23]

MyABF - update: There has been some confusion from some members about MyABF. The attached document attempts to clear up any misconceptions. See more... [posted Mon 28-Aug-23]

Charity Day to support Sunshine Coast's homeless: Our Charity Day, held on Friday 18th of August was a marvelous success. The club raised $5000 for the Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre and Sleep Bus, the money being used to provide meals for those homeless or struggling in today's harsh financial climate.

Congratulations to Maggie Marsden and Sonya Holmes, pictured, who won the Fancy Hat competition. There were many more winners throughout the morning and John Kenny very kindly paid for an open bar after play.

Many thanks to Maureen Cass, who again donated an exquisite gourmet hamper for our Lucky Door prize winner Harry Walsh.

Also many thanks to all who donated and of course our sponsors: our neighbours The Sunshine Coast Art Group, Alexandra Heads SLSC, Headland Golf Club, Harry's on Buderim, IGA, Buderim Landscaping Supplies, Club Mooloolaba, The Tony Kelly Restaurant Group and The Spirit House.

Please support these local businesses, as they have most kindly and generously supported us.

And don't forget to come along next year! [posted Fri 25-Aug-23]

Member profiles: Our club is full of interesting people. We might know most of them as opponents across the table, and perhaps a bit about their skill as bridge players, but not much else. But everyone has a back-story.

With Julie Pigden's journalistic expertise, we have produced profiles for some of these people. They are shown on our Documents page in the Profiles category. See more... [posted Wed 3-May-23]

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