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Sunshine Coast

Bridge Club

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Results after 9 of 9 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place Team M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 OLSEN (3)-8 1 6 22 27 62 32 4 -5  141 122.006-1-23.05
2 BAKER (1)25 -1 -7 24 24 25 21 13 -25  99 119.126-1-22.49
3 PERRY (6)4 33 32 -1 -1 33 4 -13 5  96 115.326-2-12.20
4 WALFORD (8)8 11 7 31 -19 -20 -4 -17 25  22 95.705-0-41.53
5 PHILLIPS (4)6 29 -2 -32 1 20 -21 -4 0  -3 89.623-2-40.72
6 SCHWEGLER (5)-4 -11 7 -22 44 -14 24 -11 0  13 88.833-1-50.63
7 LAFFAN (2)19 -11 2 1 19 -25 -32 11 -5  -21 85.604-1-40.81
8 YOUNG (10)-25 11 -6 32 -44 -33 -63 17 51  -60 79.834-0-50.72
9 BUSCH (7)-6 -33 -7 -24 -27 14 63 1 5  -14 79.003-1-50.63
10 ENDACOTT (9)-19 -29 -32 -31 -24 -62 -24 -1 -51  -273 24.980-1-80.09
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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